Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Replay Exchange!

Today I played a very nice 3v3. I have been playing a lot of 3v3s lately and for those of you that don't know whenever I play team games I play Random.

3v3 WIN Frontier.SC2Replay (71.21 KB)

Boom there it is. done. Enjoy... I hope.

Anyways I would really like you to send me your crazy games. Be them on Youtube or just a Replay file. I can even give you some tips and tricks that will improve your game from a mid-level players prospective, not the "Well your APM is only 40, get that to 100 and we can work on other stuff". I look forward to helping anyone out there in the interwebs, and just think you will be helping your fellow player find his/her way as well.

NOOB!! Tip Time.

Ok you Zerg Noob listen up. Are you having trouble moving your creep along? Do you fear that placing an extra creep tumor will be bad for your queens energy levels? Well look no further than the creep tumor you already have laid down!
Every creep tumor that is made can create a second tumor to progress the creep. Progressing your creep has a big boost to your Zerg mobility and it needs to be taken care of EVERY game. An added bonus is that when you spawn the next tumor the original tumor becomes hidden and can't be destroyed unless there is a detector around! So next time you are playing Zerg try this tip it really helps!


  1. I love starcraft. plat league 1v1 2v2 but i am still pretty bad. protoss FTW!

  2. wooow! Starcraft the best game ,EVER!!!

  3. I like the idea of putting replays in your blog, I am going to have to watch this one.

    I wish I was good enough to save any decent replays lol.

  4. going to watch this one.on a side note i'm a high platinum zerg player, yet, i don't think that i'm that good.

  5. That's a nice replay you have got there. Thumbs up!

  6. thats it. i think i might start playing starcraft again

  7. i love playing zerg bro, i might send you a replay one of these days

  8. I..I guess this helps. thanks for the info. though most of the people I've faced in sc2 are pretty pro. but i dunno maybe there are those who are still getting the hang of things. nice tips, mate
